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UK: Russia’s recognition of DPR, LPR Breach of International Law

London, Feb 21 (Prensa Latina) UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday said that Russia’s decision to recognize the independence of the people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk (DPR and LPR) is plainly in breach of international law, adding that London will be discussing with allies the potential implementation of sanctions against Moscow.

This is plainly in breach of international law. This is a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine, Johnson said during a televised press briefing from Downing Street.

Plainly what has happened is extremely bad news and we will be urgently talking to our friends and allies all of whom are jointly signed up with us in this package of sanctions, Johnson said, calling Putin’s decision a repudiation of the Minks process and the Minks agreements.

Western powers, particularly the United Kingdom and the United States, have accused Russia of a troop build-up near the Ukrainian border in alleged preparation for an invasion because Ukrainian government applied for NATO membership.

Moscow has denied these accusations, repeatedly stating that it is not threatening anyone and at the same time expressing strong concerns over NATO’s military activity near the Russian borders, which it deems a threat to its national security.

In his speech on Monday, President Putin has announced that, in addition to recognizing independence, Russia will sign friendship, cooperation and assistance agreements with DPR and LPR.

Vladimir Putin also said that Ukraine will not respect the Minsk agreements and stated, as previously, it´s trying to organize a blitzkrieg (or lightning war) in the east of the country, by using heavy weapons and killing civilians.
