Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Kidney transplant program resumed in Cuban province

Camagüey, Cuba, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) The kidney transplant program, interrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, was resumed in one of the regions with the largest health care infrastructure in Cuba and is a priority by the Ministry of Public Health.

These kinds of services have been provided since 1978 at the Manuel Ascunce Domenech University Hospital, and are currently undergoing joint actions with the Institute of Nephrology, attached to this health center, to determine which patients are suitable for the procedure.

According to a report on the Cadena Agramonte digital portal by Jenny Rodriguez, head of the program, “the studies of the candidates are carried out annually”.

The center’s specialist affirmed that people “may not be able to get a transplant due to the appearance of cancer or another condition, many others that already had a complete check-up might need a new one”.

Despite some difficulties with the technical equipment to detect anomalies and determine a better diagnosis, actions limited by the effects of the US blockade, the medical body seeks support from other specialized institutions.

In 2017 the Manuel Ascunce Hospital, one of the first medical institutions founded by the Cuban Revolution, a genetically related kidney transplant was done, a surgery carried out for first time in this region of Cuba.
