This way, the popular consultation of the legal document makes progress in most of the municipalities, which reflects inclusion, equality, non-discrimination and family diversity, Deivy Aquino, from Agramonte neighborhood, in Yayabo, told Prensa Latina.
The meetings began in the People’s Councils of Yaguajay, Cabaiguan and Trinidad municipalities, where voters’ participation and the debate on the main changes to the document for the good of the community were outstanding.
The Constitution of the Republic, proclaimed on April 10, 2019, establishes that the new Family Code would be the result of a broad popular consultation given the high importance the State provides to the family institution.
The current Family Code has been in force since 1975, and although it was a milestone in the development of ethical and moral values, it broke with traditional, classist and patriarchal canons, and it is no longer consistent with today’s diversity and socio-family dynamics.