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Scientists condemn blockade-caused damage to pharmaceutical sector

Havana, Feb 3 (Prensa Latina) Cuban scientists on Thursday strongly condemned the negative impact of the economic, commercial and financial US blockade against Cuba for the development of the biopharmaceutical industry, vaccine productions and treatments for different diseases such as Covid-19.

During a special program aired on television and uploaded on separate platforms, the specialists pointed out such a policy prevented access to raw materials to fight present pandemic.

Tania Crombet, director of Clinical Research at the Center for Molecular Immunology, underscored Cuba’s suffering for not being able to count on necessary and effective medicines to fight Covid-19 due to the hostile US blockade.

As she explained, this forced Cuban scientists to use their own drug profiles to fight the disease, showing positive results.

When comparing Cuban statistics vs the United States´, in terms of recovery indicators and death toll, Cuba´s figures show a better management of the disease, Ms. Crombet stressed.

Dagmar García, Research Director of the Finlay Vaccine Institute (IFV, in Spanish), said the US blockade impacts Cuba´s breakthroughs and that just getting reagents to conduct an idea can take months due to political restrictions.

“If we acquire the resources in countries like Belgium or Germany, the supplier can be sanctioned, even if they do something to save lives,” she stated. She also referred to problems for the production of homegrown vaccines against Covid-19, due to drawbacks to get the necessary raw materials.
