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Syriac Patriarch calls to end blockade imposed on Syria

Damascus, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Syria and the whole East region, on Wednesday criticized the blockade and the unilateral coercive measures imposed by some Western Governments on Syria and called for their immediate lifting.

During a reception organized by the Church at the Patriarchate Headquarters in Damascus, Aphrem II said that these measures exacerbate the suffering of a people that want to live in peace and security.

He deplored the actions by Turkish and US forces illegally present in the north and northeastern regions of the country and considered that they deprive Syrians of basic services and displaced thousands.

He called on the representatives of the diplomatic missions accredited in Damascus and those present at the event to convey the reality of the impact of these measures and thanked the support to the Syrians’ firmness during the years of war.

The Syrian people want peace and stability for the whole world and they do not want that any people suffer the same from terrorism,” the highest authority of the Syriac Orthodox Church in the World concluded.
