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Lavrov denounces Western attacks on Russia and China

Moscow, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has denounced on Wednesday the Western's attempts to punish his country and China through unilateral coercive measures, provocations and demonization of the media.

The West is trying to punish dissidents pursuing an independent policy, mainly our country and China, with the help of all kinds of inappropriate tools, the official said during the Government Hour at the plenary session of the State Duma (Lower House of Parliament).

The head of Russian diplomacy stressed that a group of countries, led by the United States, is trying to oppose to the objective course of history and secure its own advantage, without considering the interests and priorities of the rest of the world.

He explained that under such precepts, the West arrogates to itself the right to implement its own regulations in several spheres, completely ignoring the principle of genuine and universal multilateralism promoted by the United Nations. According to Lavrov, the Western countries are not yet ready to accept the realities of the emerging multipolar world, which should be fairer and more democratic than a world dominated by a single State.
