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Cuban government seeks to improve parcel post delivery

Havana, Jan 21 (Prensa Latina) Cuban authorities today advocated for a comprehensive evaluation of the delivery of international parcels, going to the causes of delays, with a view to perfecting the strategy and guaranteeing customer satisfaction.

In a meeting with directors and representatives of companies in charge of handling these packages, Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca asked to handle the issue with sensitivity, “be friendly, agile, go to the customer instead of waiting for him to present a complaint or show uncertainty.

Similarly, he stressed that any concern of a recipient should be solved, “because the quality of care for people is the most valuable,” and insisted on the importance of direct communication from the agency with those who are still waiting for their packages. .

At the meeting, held in the capital’s Palace of the Revolution and through videoconference with provincial authorities, the participants affirmed that although most complex stages in this process are behind them, the number of complaints from the population has increased in recent times.

According to the website of the Presidency, this indicates that the measures adopted are not enough, for which it is urgent to go to the root of the problem.

Currently, the entities with the most difficulties in the sphere are the Aerovaradero S.A. Company, the International Courier and Exchange Company of Correos de Cuba Group, and the Grouping and Ungrouping Center of the Transcargo firm, the source said.

The provinces with the largest number of packages in their warehouses due to delays in these facilities are Havana, Matanzas (in the west of the country), Las Tunas, Holguín (both in the east) and Camagüey (center).

In the case of Transcargo, it transpired that one of the main problems has to do with the attention to the numerous telephone calls that enter the agency, the web portal specified.

Frequently, the highest management of the country evaluates the operation of the six companies in the national territory responsible for the reception and delivery of parcels sent from abroad, known as “forwarding” agencies.

Meetings of this type will continue because, as Tapia Fonseca reflected, it is a matter of high sensitivity for the population, a system through which medicines and other products arrive whose recipients await with special interest.
