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Most US people fear about the future of democracy

Washington, Jan 4 (Prensa Latina) Eight out of 10 US voters fear about the future of democracy in the United States, a poll by local media outlet USA Today and the University of Suffolk revealed Tuesday.

Results came to light amid unprecedented political violence and just days after the first anniversary of the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

The poll showed that 83% of US people, both Democrats and Republicans, are deep concerned about the democratic course of the country.

These results came nearly a year after the deadly riot, when a mob of former President Donald Trump´s supporters swarmed into Capitol in an attempt to prevent Joe Biden’s election victory in the 2020 elections.

Threats to US electoral system grew after that riot, fueled by former president´s nagging and false claims about an alleged rigged election.

According to Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Laurence Tribe, the January 6 insurrection against constitutional democracy began before last election and ended up with the Capitol riot.

But he cleared out that “our country and its legal and political institutions are nowadays more in danger than at the time of the Nov. 2020 election.”

The electoral fraud claims forced GOPers and Trump´s supporters to promote state measures in an attempt to suppress the vote. Those measures made the Joe Biden administration to increase its efforts to enact new federal laws that protect the votes.

On Monday, the Senate Democratic majority leader Chuck Schumer warned that “attacks on the electoral system do not stop,” so protecting the right of the people to decide on the political course of the United States is top priority.

Mr. Schumer stressed that promoters of these measures seek to “silence the voices of millions of voters and undermine the elections.”

There are growing expressions of alarm on a daily basis; we are facing up one of the most volatile, complex and dynamic scenarios of the last decade, John Cohen, official from the Department of Homeland Security stated.

Political violence within the United States is unprecedented and everything indicates that the January 6, 2021 insurrection has not ended, but it was just a rehearsal for something worse that could break out at any time, he concluded.
