The initiative called Health and Art arises curiosity, especially in the public considered a priority, by highlighting the benefits that creation brings to the welfare and life quality of citizens.
As part of the VI edition of Fiavl, the space has a program of 34 activities and workshops, specifically aimed at senior citizens, young offenders, inmates of health centers, persons deprived of liberty, artists, managers and the general public.
According to the Ministry of Culture and Heritage, during the first week of the event, 22 activities were carried out, including a solidarity concert by the Camerata Porteña for 100 senior citizens of Quito.
Meanwhile, in Loja 58 elderly attended the dance workshop “Spring in Autumn” with the dancer and choreographer Thierry Thieû Niang, from France, special guest country of the festival, who worked together with the Germans Lilly and Josefin Pöhlmann.
Salud y Arte is the result of inter-institutional cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and Heritage, the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization.
It also has contributions from other government ministries such as Public Health and Economic and Social Inclusion, as well as the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.