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Cuba exalts legal cooperation in improving trade

Cuba, cooperación, jurídica, comercio
Havana, Nov 12 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Supreme People's Court of Cuba, Rubén Remigio, praised today the potential of collaboration in the field of law for innovation and the improvement of trade and foreign investment.

When intervening in a virtual way in the Forum for International Legal Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, the jurist highlighted the importance of the issue for all the States that, like his country, are inserted in that laudable initiative, the Twitter account reported. of the Court.

Remigio also highlighted the importance of this project promoted by China, aimed at the joint construction of all infrastructures and cooperation in various spheres for the development of the nations involved.

Likewise, he addressed the close bilateral relations between the Caribbean island and the Asian giant, which continue to be strengthened in various spheres, including the legal and specifically in the judicial sphere.

Last October, Cuba formalized its entry into the Energy Alliance of the Chinese Belt and Road project, as a further step of integration to this initiative, called to build an international mega-platform for cooperation and exchanges under the principle of profit. shared.
