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Cuban Parliament backs PCC´s economic strategy

Havana, Oct 28 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Parliament on Thursday backed documents passed at the 8th Congress of Cuba's Communist Party (PCC) regarding national strategy to boost domestic economy amid global crisis.

Deputies of the National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP) backed the text on the Update for 2021-2026 Period of Guidelines for Economic and Social Policy, which they debated during sessions.

The Parliament also supported the Updating of the Conceptualization of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development.

Parliamentarians agreed that in future sessions they will analyze application and control of both documents.

Previously, the Secretary for Organization and Politics of PCC Cadres Roberto Morales stressed to the ANPP key elements of the 8th Congress, saying PCC hoped to creatively resist without giving up national development projects.

During the session, Morales said that Cuba is currently working for a better social welfare amid the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States, tightened by 243 measures applied under Donald Trump´s administration and kept unchanged by Joe Biden´s.

Cuban society is amid a historical period in a scene of stark media hype, international systemic crisis and harmful effects of Covid-19, Morales added.

The high-ranking official detailed such documents contribute to channeling Cuba´s top priorities and economy, in order to materialize sovereign, independent, socialist, democratic, prosperous and sustainable vision.

In his opinion, parliamentarians´ support for these documents will help to guarantee irreversibility of socialism.
