The board requested the interruption of these virtual platforms for an indefinite time after, in a post made last Thursday, the ultra-right-wing president suggested that those who are vaccinated against Covid-19 are at risk of contracting AIDS.
Upon such post, opposition parliamentarians also filed a criminal notice in the Federal Supreme Court.
Presented by the bench of the Socialism and Freedom Party in the Chamber of Representatives and also signed by legislator Túlio Gadêlha, the lawsuit charges the ruler with ‘violations of the Penal Code, violation of preventive health measures and danger to the life or health of third parties’; also with violation of the Federal Constitution, the principle of morality and the Law of Administrative Improbity and the crime of liability.
For her part, party leader in the Lower House, Talíria Petrone, emphasized on Twitter that the criminal notice aims at the recognition by the Supreme Court of Bolsonaro’s guilt ‘for the lie linking anti-Covid-19 vaccines with HIV /AIDS’.
‘This ‘genocidal’ cannot get away with a non-sense like this’, she wrote.
Due to such misinformation, the YouTube video platform also suspended Bolsonaro’s channel for a week and social network Facebook removed the post, arguing that its ‘policies do not allow alleging that coronavirus vaccines kill or can cause serious damage to people’.
According to G1 news portal, the UK Department of Health and Welfare said the post came from a website that spreads ‘fake news’ and conspiracy theories.
Zahraa Vindhani, head of communication for the UK Health Security Agency, also stated that ‘Covid-19 vaccines do not cause AIDS. AIDS is caused by HIV’, he stressed.
Researchers heard through the news site also refute the ideas contained in the post.