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Russia, Bolivia condemn interference in Latin America and Caribbean

Moscow, Oct 22 (Prensa Latina) Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Bolivian counterpart, Rogelio Mayta, on Friday demanded the immediate lifting of the United States blockade against Cuba and Washington's aggressive policy against Venezuela and Nicaragua.

At a joint press conference in this capital, Lavrov expressed the two governments condemnation of interference in the internal affairs of Latin American and Caribbean countries, and highlighted the importance of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) for Moscow.

The Russian foreign minister stressed his country’s contacts with the Central American Integration System, of which Russia is an observer, and the Common Market of the South and the Caribbean Community, among other regional structures.

He added that Russia and Bolivia have similar approaches regarding priority topics of the regional and global agenda.

Lavrov said that they have coherent and similar visions regarding the importance of complying with international law under the United Nations Charter, including the respect for sovereignty, non-interference in the internal affairs of States and the solution of conflicts through peaceful dialogue.

Regarding this issue, the Bolivian foreign minister said that, during the talks with his Russian counterpart, he extended his country’s concern over the tense situation in international policy in world power scenarios.

He added that Bolivia is a peaceful country under its Constitution and that it wants to preserve peace in the world and that any belligerent situation be solved by great powers with the necessary maturity.
