Saturday, September 07, 2024
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U.S. to keep hegemonic ambitions, says academic Michael Brenner

Washington, Oct 14 (Prensa Latina) Professor of International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS-Johns Hopkins (Washington D.C.) Michael Brenner on Thursday assured that the United States has no political leadership that allows it to give up its hegemonic ambitions and accept global multipolarity.

I´m convinced this will not happen in the short or medium term, said Brenner.

In a stark assessment of the international politics of the United States and its allies, the professor added that there is a failure of political leadership and strategic thinking in successive White House administrations.

This is evident in Washington’s relentless antagonism with China and its inability to talk and reach agreements with Beijing so as to solve issues of interest to both nations and the world, Brenner said in an interview with the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) publication.

According to Brenner, the United States will need something similar to Cuba´s 1962 Missile Crisis, as the U.S. and Soviet Union were on the brink of a nuclear war.

The fear of war will only break the comatose intellectual-political state in which the United States finds itself, Brenner claimed.

In the interview, the US analyst explained that such crude conduct in international relations is counterproductive for the United States and its Western allies.

Brenner condemned President Joe Biden´s strategic ambiguity, who despite repeatedly saying he is not interested in a cold war with China, he takes provocative steps to cause a rift with China.

Joe Biden has no coherent strategic design, and the control over his homeland security team is tenuous, Brenner explained and cleared up that China is a lethal threat for the United States and confrontation is the only ‘logical response.’
