Monday, September 16, 2024
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Outlines on Colombia´s panorama for 2022

Bogota, Sep 26 (Prensa Latina) Colombia is currently showing an apparent calm after stress-load national strike days that forced hundreds of thousands of people to take to the streets for over two months.

Although large demonstrations attained some of their goals, despite strong police repression, the truth is that Colombia’s issues continue awaiting for solutions, so Colombians pin their hopes on the 2022 elections.

The cessation of violence, massacres and the killing of social leaders and former guerrillas, a greater access to employment and compliance with the Peace Agreement are Colombians´ pending demands.

In view to the 2022 elections, political forces are being defined and different groups regrouping, including the Historical Pact, a coalition led by presidential candidate and Senator Gustavo Petro.

This group, made up of the most diverse sectors, political bodies and movements, personalities, social leaders, indigenous people, Afro-Colombians, among others, is the most favorite one to win the 2022 elections.

Last week, former Senator Piedad Córdoba made official the adherence of Citizen Power Movement to the Historical Agreement, and explained that, throughout these months, she held talks that reached consensus and unity commitments to build a new Colombia.

The Historical Pact was released on February 11 and is aimed at reaching majority in Congress on March 13.

(Taken from Orbe)
