Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Palestinian diplomat accuses Israel of rejecting dialogue

Cairo, Sep 10 (Prensa Latina) Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki accused Israel of torpedoing any dialogue while maintaining its strategy of colonization and confrontation, as clashes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip evidenced on Friday.

Addressing a meeting of the Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo, Al-Maliki said that Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett undermined any possibility of political negotiations.

Since Bennett took office in June, he reaffirmed his determination to expand Israeli settlements and reject any possibility of restarting talks.

The foreign minister denounced the strategy of ‘land confiscation and the demolition of Palestinian structures, as well as premeditated assassinations, the violation of the basic rights of his compatriots, the destruction of the economy and the prolongation of the blockade to the Gaza Strip.

Facing that situation, the diplomat called on the international community to comply with the international law and put an end to the suffering of his people by establishing a state on just 22 percent of the historic land of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Al-Maliki’s comments coincide with an increase in tension in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the wake that Israel launched a manhunt after six Palestinians escaped from a high-security prison on Monday.
