Monday, September 16, 2024
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Uruguay’s Government’s conservative restoration under criticism

Montevideo, Sep 6 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of Uruguay (PCU) on Monday affirmed that the country and the people are suffering the consequences of the conservative restoration and its neoliberal adjustment from the Government by the right-wing coalition.

The PCU pointed out that the Wage Index has reported a 4.33-percent fall since President Luis Lacalle Pou took office, with repercussions on the loss of the purchasing power of pensions. Some 100,000 people more are poor, tens of thousands are jobless and community pots feed people.

A seven-item statement critically judges the implementation of the Urgent Consideration Law (LUC), the budget cuts and ‘the shameful handing over of the Container Terminal in the port of Montevideo for 60 years in monopoly to the Belgian logistics firm Katoen Natie.’

Prior to the internal elections of the Broad Front (Frente Amplio – FA), the PCU stated that during the present stage, the best candidacy to the presidency for a collective leadership of ‘our political force, the one that has been gathering broad support, is that of Fernando Pereira,’ president of the PIT-CNT trade union.
