According to MINSAP’s website, 5,363,604 people have received one dose of a Cuban vaccine, 4,528,697 have been administered two doses, and 3,288,559 people have completed the vaccination scheme.
Cuba has three Covid-19 vaccination schemes that exceed the efficacy limit established by the World Health Organization (50 percent) to be declared vaccines and one of them, Abdala, has already received authorization for emergency use in Cuba.
Abdala, designed by the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB), the first vaccine in Latin America, showed a 92.28-percent efficacy in its three-injection scheme.
At the same time, the Finlay Vaccines Institute (IFV) developed the Soberana 02 vaccine that, with two injections, demonstrated 65.6 percent in its final analysis of the efficacy on symptomatic disease, a figure that increased after the 62 percent reported in the intermediate study.