Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Syria, Iran discuss implemetation of joint projects

Damascus, Aug 22 (Prensa Latina) Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous and Iranian Ambassador in this Arab nation, Mahdi Sobhani, on Sunday discussed ways to boost joint actions in fields such as industry, energy, investment, telecommunications and agriculture.

At a meeting held at the headquarters of the cabinet in Damascus, both parties discussed joint projects in the construction phase and the renovation of Syrian factories destroyed during the war, and how to overcome the obstacles that hinder those actions.

According to the Syrian prime minister, it is important to speed up and increase cooperation projects to fight the unjust economic blockade imposed on both countries.

He thanked the people and government of Iran for supporting the Syrian people in its fight against the terrorist and economic war.

For his part, the Iranian ambassador ratified his country’s constant support to Syria in the reconstruction phase and the fight against the unjust imposed sanctions.

Iran is Damascus’s main ally in the fight against terrorism and has already started to implement several reconstruction projects in this country such as the installation of two power plants and solar power stations.
