The associations referred to Cuba’s shortage of medicines, food and other pivotal materials amid the Covid-19 pandemic as a consequence, among other issues, of Washington’s restrictions.
We ask to give priority to Cuban people´s well-being, regardless of political considerations, with immediate humanitarian measures and the lifting of provisions that prevent the arrival of humanitarian aids to the Cuban people.
Likewise, religious people point to the economic US blockade as core factor in harsh situation in Cuba, a unilateral blockade tightened by former President Donald Trump administration (2017-2021).
The religious organizations ask President Biden to eliminate the limit on family remittances, avoid bureaucracy to make donations easier and to reopen consular services at the US embassy in Havana.
Among the 24 signatories are the National Council of Churches, the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church, the United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society, and the Washington Office for Latin America.
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