Saturday, September 07, 2024
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UN chief ratifies support for Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, Aug 20 (Prensa Latina) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has ratified the commitment to support Ethiopia to guarantee peace, through a video released in Addis Ababa on Friday.

Guterres called for unrestricted humanitarian access to Ethiopia’s northern region and the re-establishment of public services in areas affected by the violent actions of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and its confrontation against the federal army.

The UN chief also urged to establish a roundtable discussion, led by official authorities, to find a reasonable, consensual and peaceful solution to the problems affecting the stability of this nation, located in the so-called African Horn.

Since April 2018, the Ethiopian Government has been holding frequent meetings with representatives of political parties, civil organizations and religious leaders to exchange views on security, economic development and democracy building, among other issues.

By late June, the federal authorities decreed an armistice to facilitate agricultural works during the rainy season and ensure humanitarian assistance, but the TPLF rejected it.
