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Syria describes US presence an unjustifiable occupation

Damascus, Aug 12 (Prensa Latina) Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Ayman Sousan on Thursday rejected recent statements from the so-called International Coalition, and described the presence of the United States in this nation as one that cannot be justified in any way.

Any presence without the consent of government of the country in question is considered illegal from the point of view of international law, and the immoral objective of Washington’s presence in Syria has already been clear to the whole world, Sousan said in statements to al-Watan newspaper.

He explained that with its presence, the United States intends to achieve the objectives of the so-called Arab Spring represented in the control of the region and the confiscation of national decisions by sovereign countries, in addition to favoring the interests of Israel and its hegemony in the area.

Sousan charged that Syria’s oil is being looted under the protection of US occupation, and referred to the authorization granted by former President Donald Trump to a US company to exploit hydrocarbon fields and export the crude belonging to the Syrian people.

The scandal is great and it (the US) will not be able to hide the vile and shameful actions in Syria, the deputy foreign minister said in response to Washington’s allegations that it is not stealing Syrian oil.

Sousan emphasized that the actions by the US-led Coalition deny such allegations, and its support for terrorism and political agendas by the US administration in the region have already been revealed.

Damascus repeatedly denounced the illegal presence of US troops that encourage terrorist activity to destabilize the Arab nation, in addition to depriving the Syrian people of their wealth through the theft of wheat and crude oil.
