According to the source, calls for violent mobilizations –promoted on digital platforms from the United States, and also in Cuba- to subvert order and break citizen peace amid the complex situation Cuba is experiencing due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The television report revealed an audio message in which an individual living in the United States recommended blocking accesses to the José Martí International Airport as well as its runway, by using polyethylene tubes.
This Telegram user offered to serve as an ‘intelligence’ tool also for future ‘economic guerrilla’ actions for supposed ‘army operating within Cuba’ against the Government.
The calls on social networks include public disorder to provoke police response, denunciation of police abuse, accuse them of arbitrary arrests, ‘fabricate’ disappeared people, focus on alleged violations of legality by the law enforcement, denounce false trials and extreme sentences.
pgh/Pll/msm / evm