Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Hundreds of Chileans support Cuba

Santiago, Chile, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) In a mass demonstration, hundreds of Chileans and Cuban residents in the country expressed their support for Cuba and called for the end of the US blockade.

People in solidarity rallied in front of the Cuban Embassy in Santiago to express their support at a time when Cuba fights the Covid-19 pandemic, economic plights triggered by hostile US policy and a bloody media hype.

The cultural event For Peace, called by the Cuban Solidarity Movement in Chile and supported by other social and political organizations, featured singer-songwriters Francisco Villa and Cecilia Concha, who sang Cuban and Chilean songs.

Hundreds of people sang the traditional Guantanamera (a well-known Cuban folk song) and also recited verses by the National Hero Jose Marti.

Armando Guerra, first secretary of the Cuban Embassy, addressed the crowd to express gratitude on behalf of the Cuban people for their support and solidarity expressed and materialized by thousands of Chileans along these years.

Armando Guerra recalled the proposals presented by renowned Chilean figures for the nomination of the Henry Reeve Medical Contingent for Nobel Peace Prize, and the successful campaign to purchase one million syringes and thus contribute to fighting the Covid-19 pandemic in Cuba.
