Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Cuba commends Mexico’s work at the helm of CELAC

Havana, Jul 23 (Latin press) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez on Friday praised Mexico's work at the helm of the pro tempore presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

On his Twitter account, the head of Cuban diplomacy noted that in a meeting with his Mexican counterpart, Marcelo Ebrard, he highlighted the efforts made under his management to revitalize that mechanism and make regional action effective in multilateral forums.

Rodríguez traveled to Mexico on Friday heading the Cuban delegation that will participate in the 21st Meeting of CELAC Foreign Ministers, to be held on Saturday.

According to the Cuban diplomat, at the meeting, he will ratify his country’s commitment to regional unity and integration and to support the defense of the declaration of Latin America as a Zone of Peace.

The meeting’s agenda includes the presentation of the Comprehensive Health Self-Sufficiency Plan and the Food Safety Cooperation Agreement of the bloc.

Likewise, it will review the documents that will be approved by the heads of State at the CELAC summit, scheduled to be held in person in Mexico City on September 18.

This meeting of foreign ministers coincides with the 238th anniversary of the birth of Liberator Simon Bolívar, to whom an extensive program of activities will be dedicated throughout the weekend.
