‘We must urge citizens to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and continue educating them because the only way to get out of the pandemic is with vaccination. What is worrying is the low attendance for the second dose,’ Union President Mirna Gallardo told 800 AM radio station.
The highest representative of Paraguayan nurses noted the effectiveness of immunization for health workers, among whom the number of contagions, hospitalizations and deaths has decreased since the administration of the vaccines.
Gallardo pointed out that this is what the Health Ministry’s records indicate; however, the total figures are still worrying, since Paraguay, with a little more than seven million inhabitants, has accumulated 14,394 deaths and 446,267 positive cases since the outbreak of the disease in the country in March 2020.
On Wednesday, Paraguay began immunizing people between 20 and 34 years of age, thus expanding the population to be vaccinated in order to better face the Delta and Beta variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes Covid-19.