Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Indian Students’ Federation reaffirms solidarity with Cuba

New Delhi, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The Federation of Students in India on Friday demonstrated the traditional solidarity with the Cuban people in the defense of their Revolution against the actions organized from the United States.

A statement from that students’ organization at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi stressed that the United States has intensified measures to tighten the blockade and financial persecution against Cuba, to suffocate its economy and to cause a social disturbance in the Caribbean island.

The document pointed out that the US intention is to carry out a humanitarian intervention that will ens in a military invasion of Cuba, which would also affect the rights, sovereignty and independence of all other peoples of the world.

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, US imperialism under President Joe Biden decided to take this opportunity provided by the Covid-19 pandemic to foster instability in the small socialist nation, the text warned.

The Cuban people have suffered for 60 years the policy of the blockade imposed by Washington, which seeks to destroy the Cuban Revolution and the aspirations of its people, the declaration added.

Given the recent actions from Washington, the Federation of Students in India reaffirmed its traditional position of support for the Cuban people, youths and students and their Revolution, the statement noted.
