Given the riots and acts of vandalism in Cuba on Sunday, MLN-T Executive Committee said that ‘we will always defend the right of peoples to demonstrate, and this is guaranteed under the Cuban Constitution itself.’
It noted that ‘the Cuban people showed which side most of the mobilized crowds are, and they are the ones who have supported the government and the Revolution.’
The Tupamaros denounced in a statement that ‘blocking access to food and medicines is a condemnable terrorist act from every point of view. ‘
They added that ‘the new forms of political destabilization, financed with millions of dollars by US international organizations such as the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), are the principle to justify forms of violent intervencionism.’
They also ratified as ‘unnegotiable the right of the Cuban people to decide its fate without foreign interference or blockade respecting its sovereignty,’ the document of the sector that is part of the Movement of Popular Participation of the Broad Front poited out.