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European Union commends joint agreement on Syria at UN

Brussels, Jul 10 (Prensa Latina) The European Union (EU) on Saturday commended the agreement reached on Friday by the United Nations Security Council that guarantees the extension of cross-border humanitarian aid to Syria for one year.

A statement disclosed here by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, considered the resolution reached at this global organization ‘good news’ and vital, as it means a considerable relief for millions of Syrians who depend on this aid.

On Friday, Russia, the United States, Ireland and Norway presented a joint resolution at the Security Council that extended the humanitarian aid to Syria for 12 months through the Bab al Hawa Border Crossing, on the border between Turkey and this Arab country.

The agreement was unanimously reached on Friday hours before the end, on Saturday, of the deadline granted by the Security Council and stipulates that its extension, after the first six months, will depend on a report that must be drafted by the UN General Secretariat.

This document must take into account progress in the aid and the transparency of operations.
