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Communist presidential candidate in Chile receives more support

Santiago de Chile, Jul 8 (Prensa Latina) The opposition party Social Green Regionalist Federation (FRVS) is currently one of the forces that back communist candidate Daniel Jadue for the first of Chile's presidential election, scheduled for November.

This decision, announced on Wednesday, was made by this party’s extended council with the participation of the teams from the 16 regions of the country where the FRVS is present.

In this regard, Jaime Mulet, FRVS president, pointed out that ‘from now on Daniel Jadue is the candidate of many social organizations of the people of Chile, of the Communist Party, of the Christian Left and also of the Social Green Regionalist Federation.’

He added that ‘Jadue, as president of the republic, is the person who can best synchronize the country, together with the Constitutional Convention and social movements, in the face of this great change that we are currently undergoing in Chile.’

For his part, President of the Communist Party, Guillermo Teillier, thanked FVSF’s support and said that ‘we are very enthusiastic about all the contributions that the Social Green Regionalist Federation is making to us.’

He recalled that ‘we started a relationship between a Marxist party and a party of social Christian roots a couple of years ago, something that seemed a little strange (…), but we have focused on everything that unites us. And what unites us is in line with what the people of Chile is demanding.’

The official primaries to elect the candidates for the November presidential election are scheduled for July 18.
