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Venezuelan diplomat reports at UNESCO impact of unilateral sanctions

Paris, Jun 29 (Prensa Latina) Jorge Valero, permanent delegate of Venezuela to UNESCO, on Tuesday denounced the consequences of US unilateral coercive measures against his country in the educational, scientific and cultural sectors.

During an interview with Prensa Latina, the experienced diplomat stated that Washington’s aggressiveness prevents Venezuela from fully deploying its programs to guarantee inclusive access to education, science and culture, a priority by the Bolivarian Revolution since its materialization under the leadership of Hugo Chavez (1954-2013).

Since our presentation of credentials to UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay in late 2020, we have explained the situation created by the unilateral coercive actions and the urgency that they stop to be implemented, he said in Paris, headquarters of the specialized UN agency.

The renowned intellectual, author of almost 30 books, said that those unilateral sanctions limit the purchase of musical instruments and encourage emigration of talents trained and developed through this initiative.

Valero also mentioned the consequences of the blockade and the economic war in current issues, particularly the purchase of vaccines to fight Covid-19, despite the UN calls to facilitate the States’ work in times of the pandemic.

In his dialogue with Prensa Latina, the ambassador highlighted Venezuela’s resistance and its capability to continue to function as a country facing sanctions that reduced tax revenues by 99 percent and seek to hit the oil industry, the country’s main economic sector.
