At the same time, there is a variation in the release of hormones that regulate water and mineral balance, a process that is further complicated by reducing blood supply to kidneys, specialists said.
‘Alcohol can cause an imbalance in the filtering mechanism, as it inhibits the secretion of the antidiuretic hormone responsible for reabsorbing water by the kidney,’ the text underlines.
Added to alcohol´s diuretic effect, alcohol heightens the dehydration state and effect by causing the well-known ¨hangover, according to the source based on scientific researches published on Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, Scielo and American Kidney Fund magazines.
Specialists warn excessive alcohol consumption can cause an acute tubular necrosis syndrome, which can lead to chronic kidney failure.
There has been some evidence that excessive alcohol consumption tends to affect urolithiasis (kidney stones) and urinary infections.
Those who excessively drink alcohol not only run the risk of suffering from alcoholism, but also from pancreatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, immune and cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal tract pathologies and severe neurological damage, according to scientific research.
pgh/Pll/oda / joe