The analyst anticipated what is already usual every year, except in 2020 due to the pandemic: a resounding support for the end of the economic hostility against the island.
For the twenty ninth times, the UN General Assambly will debate and vote on a resolution to demand the end of the economic, financial and trade blockade of the US Government on Cuba that has lasted for 60 years.
Davila commented why in his opinion President Joe Biden keeps intact, despite his electoral promises, the 243 unilateral measures adopted by his predecessor, Donald Trump (2017-2021), who tightened the economic siege even in the midst of Covid-19.
He said that Biden must first deal with domestic issues before addressing the relationship with Cuba and also that the president does not want to confront Cuban-Americans in Congress.
However, he explained, sooner or later the head of the White House will have to analyze his policy towards the neighboring nation and perhaps he will have the means to change his relationship with Cuba.