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Moscow-Novosibirsk rally against blockade against Cuba started

Moscow, Jun 14 (Prensa Latina) Russian Alexei Kuzin started the motorcycle race 'No blockade against Cuba' that will tour more than 3,000 kilometers between Moscow and Novosibirsk, Cuban diplomatic sources informed on Monday.

Coordinated by the Russian Committee to Fight for the Elimination of the Blockade against Cuba, other motorcyclists will join the rally on the road that will pass through the cities of Samara and Chelyabinsk until it reaches Novosibirsk city, in West Siberia.

The trip began on Sunday, June 13, from the Cuban Embassy in Moscow, where Ambassador Julio Garmendia thanked the initiative and highlighted the multiple actions that are being conducted in Russia and globally in support to the island and against the blockade.

Garmendia highlighted the recent statements by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and other senior officials from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in rejection to the economic, commercial and financial siege Washington has maintained for more than 60 years against Cuba.

The Cuban diplomat highlighted the calls by the Council of the Federation (Senate) and the State Duma (Lower House) of Russia to other parliaments worldwide to speak out against the criminal US policy, tightened during the Donald Trump administration and the current Government still maintains.
