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Cuban Ambassador Vidal condemns the tightening of US blockade

Ottawa, Jun 10 (Prensa Latina) Former President Donald Trump´s policies on Cuba are Joe Biden´s ones, who keeps sanctions to tighten the US blockade against the Caribbean country, Josefina Vidal, Cuban ambassador to Canada, stated.

In an interview with Bloomberg news agency, Josefina Vidal referred to how five months after Biden´s assumption more than 240 measures -adopted by his predecessor- remain unchanged despite his electoral promises to lift them.

Vidal recalled the US blockade´s extraterritorial scope and its impact on the legitimate economic interests of third countries in Cuba, as a result of the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act in April 2019.

She mentioned that under this legislation, international banks have closed many Cuban entities´ accounts and foreign international suppliers have called off their contracts with Cuba.

The Cuban ambassador, considered as the most visible face of the Havana-Washington rapprochement process under Barack Obama, reiterated that despite everything, Cuba is still ‘willing to build a civilized, respectful relationship with the United States.’

However, President Joe Biden, State Secretary Antony Blinken and other US administration´s members, deep-sixed a policy change towards Cuba as a priority.

pgh/Pll/msm / avr