Tuesday, October 01, 2024
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Cuban Deputy Prime Minister fulfills work agenda in France

Paris, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas arrived in France today to fulfill a work agenda that will include meetings with government and business authorities.

On his first day on French soil, Cabrisas met with Emmanuel Bonne, diplomatic adviser to President Emmanuel Macron, in a meeting described as fruitful by the Cuban embassy.

The visit of the Deputy Prime Minister seeks to strengthen bilateral relations, which received a new boost at the beginning of December of last year, with the celebration of the V bilateral Economic and Trade Commission, a forum held by videoconference in the context of Covid19.

Then, the minister in charge of Foreign Trade in the French Chancellery, Franck Riester, highlighted the strengthening of the Havana-Paris economic cooperation.

France is among the island’s top 10 trading partners, relationships with growth potential, despite the extraterritorial impact of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the Caribbean country.
