Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Dominican Republic economy grows 47.1%

Santo Domingo, May 28 (Prensa Latina) Dominican Republic´s economy grew 47.1% last April, an extraordinary figure considered by the Central Bank (BCRD).

April´s Monthly Economic Activity Indicator result is something unprecedented that not only evens out the 29.8% drop seen in April 2020, but also exceeded the level of the same month of 2019, the BCRD reported.

The economic recovery is not a simple rebound due to statistical effect of comparison base, but rather shows a reactivation that exceeded the pre-pandemic levels by increasing 3.3% compared to April 2019.

In addition, the BCRD President Héctor Valdez said the economic recovery was heterogeneous in the country´s different economic activities, as some sectors registered a result above the pre-pandemic level, while others are passing through a gradual recovery process.

At this rate, Valdez said, 2021 could close with a 7.0% economic growth, adding that its performance is supported by the fiscal and monetary measures implemented in March 2020, the positive impact of coronavirus vaccines distribution, as well as tourism reactivation.
