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Cuba’s Foreign Minister denounces US hostility towards Cuba

Havana, May 25 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Tuesday denounced that the current US administration maintains unchanged its hostility towards his country, tightened during Trump's term (2017-2021).

Rodriguez pointed out on Twitter that the slander of including Cuba in the list of countries that do not cooperate in the fight against terrorism, and that the Biden government applies Trump’s policy and his 243 blocking measures, is surprising and irritating.

On Monday, the deputy director of Multilateral Affairs of Cuba’s Foreign Ministry, Maria del Carmen Herrera, expressed that four months after Biden’s arrival to power there has been no change in the US aggressiveness.

Participating in a virtual conversation with solidarity activists from the United Kingdom, she highlighted that all the measures and restrictions imposed by Trump remain unchanged despite the promises he made during the election campaign to review bilateral relations.

The deputy director explained that last year Washington tightened the blockade, which has had a negative impact on Cuba’s capacity to effectively fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

She also reiterated that the US unilateral blockade represents the main obstacle to Cuba’s economic development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the fight against climate change.
