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Diplomat reaffirms Iran’s condemnation of blockade against Cuba

Quito, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Iranian Ambassador to Ecuador Ahmad Pabarja on Saturday reaffirmed that his country condemns the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

‘We opposed the unilateral sanctions against any country, especially against the friendly country of Cuba,’ Pabarja said in statements to Prensa Latina.

According to the diplomat, Iran is also a victim of measures against it and warned that those economic, financial and commercial mechanisms implemented against States are currently used as tools for political purposes.

In that regard, the ambassador emphasized that they are a crime against human rights and violate all international human and moral regulations.

‘Iran strongly condemns the sanctions against Cuba and considers they should be lifted as soon as possible,’ he stressed.

About this issue, the official noted that all countries should support Cuba and its right to demand the end of Washington’s blockade, since it is not against a Government, but to the detriment of a people.

‘A country cannot surrender with those measures. We hope that all members of the United Nations request the lifting of the blockade against Cuba and other countries,’ he insisted.

The diplomat stressed that Cuba is a progressive country and it is characterized by helping other nations to solve their problems.

‘Now the pandemic is a global issue that threatens the world’s health and Cuba has made progress in the health field and fighting the disease,’ he said.

‘Iran thanks the Cuban Government for that solidarity,’ Pabarja said.
