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Turkey rails against UN for equal appeals to Israel, Palestine

Ankara, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Turkey dashed against the United Nations (UN) for what it described as equal appeals to Israel and Palestine to quit aggressions.

‘They appeal to child murderers and those whose children have been killed. This is political hypocrisy,’ Omer Celik, spokesman for the ruling Justice and Development Party, live-tweeted.

This statement is nothing more than encouraging Israel to toll out more persecution, Celik added, referring to Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, which have left more than 200 Palestinian dead.

‘The Benjamin Netanyahu government is killing children. The United Nations appeals to Israel and Palestine saying that senseless bloodshed, terror and destruction must end immediately,’ the spokesman regretted.

Israel has kept a blockade against the Gaza and West Bank Strips since 2007, restricting over two million residents to access electricity, water and other goods.

Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the situation of Palestinians in Gaza as horrible.

During a telephone talk with Pope Francis, Tayyip Erdogan said his country is implementing diplomatic efforts related to the situation in Palestine on all international platforms, including the United Nations.

However, the UN Security Council is far from proving a consistent position on this issue, Erdogan stated.
