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Haitian president rules out transition and defends referendum

Port-au-Prince, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Haitian President Jovenel Moise on Tuesday ruled out again a transition as a strategy to renew political power, and defended the voting on a new Constitution that offers stability.

During the ceremony on the 218th anniversary of the creation of the national flag, the head of State, whose legitimacy is widely questioned in the country and abroad, reiterated that transitions have never brought good things to the nation, except that ‘old naughty deal’ that divides the State into small pieces.

‘We can’t do that anymore, I call on all actors to strive to put the country on the path of stability,’ he said, and stressed the need for elections later this year for the people to decide who should govern them.

The general elections are scheduled for mid-September, and citizens will have to vote for the president, parliamentarians and local governors, but before that, the referendum to modify the current Constitution will take place, another process that is also a target of criticism.

According to Moise, the new Constitution will allow the State to reach the communal sections, and is an opportunity for young people and the diaspora to have easier access to national politics, for which he asked the people not to miss such an opportunity.

In his speech, the president insisted again on the need for unity and recalled that the independence forefathers and heroes left out all divisions whether they were issues of color, ideology, or social class.

They had a motivation, which is the ideal magnitude, that means to unite to fight for freedom, he stated. jg/omr/jcm/ane