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Cuba reports 1,244 new Covid-19 cases, 12 deaths

Havana, May 18 (Prensa Latina) The number of Covid-19 cases in Cuba exceeded 1,200 on a single day, as 1,244 people were diagnosed as positive, the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) reported on Tuesday.

According to MINSAP, 1,412 patients were discharged from hospitals nationwide on Monday, so the number of recovered patients rose to 119,161.

On Monday, all Cuban molecular biology laboratories made 21,995 PCR tests to detect the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, Dr. Francisco Duran, national director of Epidemiology at MINSAP, said at his daily press briefing on television.

The expert added that 6,712 active patients are in hospitals nationwide, including 6,582 cases who are clinically stable, and 130 patients in intensive care units, of them 90 are seriously ill and 40 are in critical condition.

Dr. Duran regretted the deaths of 12 people over the last 24 hours, due to complications related to this disease, so the death toll rose to 826.

The Cuban chief epidemiologist stated that 234 children have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and 930 are currently in hospitals.

So far, 94.3 percent of Covid-19 pediatric cases in Cuba have recovered since March 2020.

The expert pointed out that 1,205 of the new cases are autochthonous and 39 were imported.

The total number of contagions in Cuba since March 2020 has increased to 126,755.
