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Venezuelan experts stress importance of institutionalism

Caracas, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina) The appointment of a new National Electoral Council (CNE) is currently a new bet on strengthening the democratic and institutional scenario in Venezuela, a specialized source affirmed on Wednesday.

According to a report by the Samuel Robinson Institute, the process of electing a new directive of the highest electoral body further weakens the agenda of regime change based on a repertoire of military threats, economic blockades and unconventional war operations.

The National Assembly (Parliament) of Venezuela received on Tuesday for its final evaluation the list of eligible citizens to fill the positions of five principal rectors of the CNE, in addition to 10 alternates.

The head of the Electoral Nominations Committee, Giuseppe Alessandrello, highlighted the extensive work of analysis of the proposals submitted by various sectors of society, which resulted in the selection of 103 candidates.

Now, the Venezuelan Legislative will have 10 days to assess the list of candidates and elect the board of directors that will govern the electoral processes in Venezuela for the next seven years.

The appointment of the new CNE is one of the axes of the institutional restructure of the country, after several years of extra-legal instrumentalization of the Parliament, aimed at fracturing the balance between the public powers, referred the report of the Center of Studies for Original Thought.
