As posted on UN´s official website, climate change and speedy environmental changes caused by man are increasingly affecting the planet, bringing about consequences ranging from extreme weather events to a pandemic.
Biodiversity changes really affect the functioning of ecosystems that sustain all life, the website added.
It also draws attention to immediately make a change towards a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the globe, in harmony with nature.
According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), 75% of emerging infectious diseases worldwide come from animals, so it proves how close the relations between human, animal and environmental health really are.
Today, climate change, deforestation, intensified agricultural and livestock production, and illegal wildlife trade can increase contact and transmission of infectious diseases from animals to humans (zoonotic diseases), as Covid-19 for example.
Faced with such a scenario, António Guterres asked to act decisively to create protections from the pandemic and the existential threat of altering climate.
Biodiversity is key in this regard, since a greater plurality of species would make it difficult for pathogens to spread rapidly.