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US campaign shows Cuban community’s rejection to the blockade

Havana, Apr 14 (Prensa Latina) The campaign to reject the US blockade against Cuba developed in the United States proves that the majority of the Cuban community abroad is against it, said on Wednesday an activist of the project.

In an exclusive interview with Prensa Latina online, Jose Oro, co-founder of the No Embargo Movement (NEMO), emphasized that the website created on January 27 already has over 79,000 members focused on unity in the face of the blockade.

‘The enemies of Cuba have been masters of the political game within the United States and have started from the use of a great fallacy, which is to say (and make people believe within the US government) that they almost unanimously control the feelings of Cubans in the United States and, of course, their vote.’

According to Oro, NEMO seeks to demonstrate that this is false and ‘in that way, we will gain access to the centers of power that decide the end of the blockade, with a massive number of members and petitioners.’

In the activist’s opinion, to achieve that goal the message must emphasize ‘a superior and prosperous common future for both peoples, which demonstrates the enormous damage and harm’ to Cuba.

‘We have contacted over a dozen senators and representatives in the US Congress, many mayors and members of numerous city councils to promote resolutions against the blockade,’ he assured.

He also acknowledged the scope of the Bridges of Love initiative of Cuban-American Carlos Lazo, which arranged caravans in dozens of countries to demand to put an end to the hostile US policy against Cuba.
