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Indigenous people in Brazil ask Biden to distrust Bolsonaro

Brasilia, Apr 13 (Prensa Latina) The Association of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil asked United States President Joe Biden to distrust his counterpart, Jair Bolsonaro, regarding the signing of agreements on the Amazon.

‘Do not let that man (Bolsonaro) negotiate the future of the Amazon, he declared war against us, the indigenous peoples, against democracy, he disseminates Covid-19, he disseminates lies and hatred,’ the Association denounced in a video recorded in English and circulating on social networks.

The audiovisual, which shows images of the reduction of forest masses and Bolsonaro, aims to warn Biden about the climate agreements.

‘The negotiations take place far from the eyes of civil society, the Brazilian Government commemorates such negotiations,’ the Association warned.

The video also questions: It is either the Amazon or Bolsonaro. You cannot reconcile the two. Whose side are you on?’

The recording also asks the US president to listen to people living in the Amazon if he is interested in helping.
