Continental authorities and industrial representatives sent an open letter to President Joe Biden asking him for a transatlantic alliance to combat climate change and achieve a ‘just and sustainable transition’ towards an economy with low carbon dioxide emissions.
This request comes a week before a summit between environmental leaders and the president of the United States, and is headed by the head of the environmental committee of the European Parliament, Pascal Canfin.
According to the letter, the countries of the bloc and the United States together account for a quarter of carbon dioxide emissions and two-fifths of the global economy.
The European Union agreed last year to cut pollutant flows by at least 55 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.
Executives from companies such as the French automaker Renault and the German energy company E.ON, backed the letter that expresses European concerns about the cost of jobs if the reduction of emissions is achieved.
Statistics from global organizations rank the United States in second place by country in terms of polluting emissions into the atmosphere.
Germany tops the list in Europe, due to its great dependence on coal, and generates emissions equivalent to a quarter of the continental total.