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Bolivian diplomat reiterates OAS responsibility in Bolivia’s coup

La Paz, Apr 2 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian diplomat Diego Pary reiterated that the Organization of American States (OAS) played a fundamental role in the November 2019 coup d'état in his country, local media highlight on Friday

The ambassador to the United Nations, Pary, recalled that it was the partial report of the OAS on alleged irregularities in the vote count in the general elections of that year that was the pretext to break with the constitutional order.

In declarations to Bolivia TV, the former foreign minister specified that the coup was planned and executed with the support of the police and the army, the political right wing and violent groups.

The actions of these institutions and the violence in the streets were backed by the OAS and some governments that supported the narrative of electoral fraud, thus ignoring Evo Morales’ victory at the polls for a new presidential term.

The diplomat highlighted irregularities in the work of the electoral observers of the regional organization, such as the changes of dates to present the reports on the elections, and the surprising press conference in which they demanded the holding of new elections.

The petition was based on the preliminary report that reported the alleged irregularities in the vote count, a claim refuted by dozens of experts and studies of prestigious research centers and universities from different countries.

Pary, then Bolivia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, detailed that in a coordinated manner the fraud speech in the media was followed by the police mutiny and the insubordination of the military.
