In his profile on the social network X, the Cuban Foreign Minister affirmed that there is nothing similar in the world, and described that provision as a flagrant violation of the rules governing international trade and the most elementary rights of peoples.
The Helms-Burton Act, signed into law in 1996 by President William Clinton, aims to internationalize the trade embargo against Cuba. It restricts credits and financial assistance to countries and organizations that support or promote cooperation with Cuba, and it also seeks to obstruct foreign investment on the island
Its enactment eliminated the unilateral possibility of lifting the blockade on the island and established that it will remain in force until the existence in Cuba of what Washington calls a transitional government certified by the White House.
The third and fourth sections of the Helms-Burton Act were inactive until 2019, when President Donald Trump authorized their implementation to hinder the normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States.
Specialists assert, that the Helms-Burton Act constitutes, together with the Torricelli Act (signed in 1992), an enormous barrier to the bilateral relationship It constitutes a violation of the principles of sovereign equality and non-intervention in the internal affairs of a State, as considered in International Law.