That agreement “is the largest humanitarian operation ever known in the history of our America, which only two dreamers… were able to make a reality,” the Bolivarian leader wrote in his Telegram account. Maduro said he was proud “to have witnessed that #30Oct 2000, the year in which this path of love, true friendship, solidarity and reunification was opened, which has brought so many benefits”.
Today we continue -he said- this history of greatness and deep brotherhood of two peoples who respect and defend the right to life.
“Long live (Simón) Bolívar and (José) Martí, long live the Patria Grande,” he said.
In an audiovisual that accompanied his message, the Venezuelan Head of State recalled that he was there, “they did not tell me about it, that special day when Commander Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez signed the Agreement that was going to change the history of social cooperation in the world”.
If there is something to learn from the giants who were here by our side, it is that we must dream, act and think big. “Long live the Patria Grande, long live the big dreams, long live the original dream that began on October 30, 2000”, he expressed.